

職稱: 研究員
電話: 0756-2526572
電子郵件: jinhj3@mail.sysu.edu.cn
通訊地址: 珠海市香洲區梅華東路52號中山大學附屬第五醫院分子影像中心


      金紅軍,分子影像中心研究員,博士生導師。1990至1994年在蘭州大學放射化學專業學習,獲理學學士學位;1994至1997年在北京中醫藥大學中醫臨床專業學習,獲醫學學士學位;1997年起在北京吉比愛生物技術公司任酶聯檢測研助;1999年10月在美國Louisville大學醫學院Bhatnagar教授組任研助;2000年10月在美國Iowa大學放射病理與口腔腫瘤系Kurago教授組任研助;2002年8月獲全獎資助在美國Texas A&M大學學習,2007年12月獲生化專業博士學位。2008至2012年在美國PNNL國家實驗室Zangar教授組接受分子標志物博后訓練;2012年3月起在美國St. Louis華盛頓大學放射系Tu教授組接受分子影像博后訓練,2013年起任該研究所放射醫學講師。2017年10月份起全職加入中山大學附屬第五醫院。首次完成了多個PET正電子藥物的設計、研發以及臨床轉化,比如18F/11C標記的σ1受體、乙酰膽堿囊泡轉運體(VAChT)、α-突觸蛋白、PDE10A酶,S1PR1/2受體和P2X7受體的小分子探針。同時研發了68Ga/64Cu/89Zr標記的抗體或者多肽生物大分子的分子探針。其中VAChT探針18F-VAT已在華盛頓大學獲FDA許可開展人體臨床實驗(eIND #125,627)。主持或者參與了共計14項科研基金項目,發表學術論文60余篇,授權國內外專利7項。主要學術兼職:中國核學會放射藥物分會理事;廣東省藥學會核藥專委會副主委;廣東省核學會核藥學分會副主委;廣東省放射醫學分會分子影像學組組長;中國藥理學雜志 (Acta Pharmacologica Sina)、BMC Biomedical Imaging 評委等。





1. 中山大學”百人計劃”人才啟動項目, 2017/10-2022/09, 主持

2. 珠海市“新型冠狀病毒感染防治”應急科技攻關專項, “特異靶向新冠(SARS-CoV-S-蛋白的PET分子影像探針”, 2020/08-2021/09,主持

3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目: “F-18 標記靶向 P2X7受體的PET小分子探針及其在阿爾茨海默病早期診斷中的基礎研究”, 2018/10-2022/9,主持

4. 中大五院研究者發起臨床研究項目(IIT)獎評,A類資助,“單中心、開放、前瞻性評估18F-FDG PET/CT動態顯像及基因檢測在探查非小細胞肺癌癌轉移灶中的診斷意義”,2020/10-2021/09,主持

5. 國家重點研發計劃“精準醫學研究”專項, “基于實時高空間分辨率和多模態圖像融合技術的食管癌臨床診療方案”, 2018/09-2021/12, 核心參與

6. 廣東省腦科學與類腦研究”重大科技專項-“帕金森病早診早治的新靶點和新方法”,2019/01-2022/12, 核心參與


1. 美國NIH R01 NS 075527,06/2012-5/2017,針對乙酰膽堿囊泡轉運體(VAChT)PET的分子探針,核心參與

2. 美國NIH R21 MH 092797,02/2012-12/2017,研發針對PDE10A酶的PET分子探針,核心參與

3. 美國Michael J. Fox私人基金會資助,聯合攻關項目,10/2012-03/2017, 研發針對α-突觸蛋白用于帕金森疾病早期診斷,核心參與

4. 美國能源部國家實驗室專項基金,DOE/LDRD,10/2010-02/2012,利用噬菌體展示技術優化超級還原酶用于環境生物廢物降解,主持


1. Xian J#, Pei X#, Lu W, Zhong H, Lin Y, Jin H*, Su Z.*, The clinical value of bedside ultrasound in predicting the severity of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), Anal Transl Med 2021, 9(4): 336, PMID: 33708963

2. Pei X#, Wang X#, Xian J#, Mi J, Gao J, Li X, Li Z, Yang M, Bi L, Yan Y, Lv W*, Jin H*, Metformin and oxyphotodynamic therapy as a novel treatment approach for triple-negative breast cancer, Anal Transl Med, 2020, 8(18):1138, PMID: 32546966

3. Yang M#, Lin Z#, Xu Z#, Li D, Lv W, Yang S, Liu Y, Cao Y, Cao Q, Jin H*, Influx rate constant of18F-FDG increases in metastatic lymph nodes of non-small cell lung cancer patients, Eur J Nuc Med Mole Imag, 2020, 47(5):1198-1208, PMID: 31974680

4. Chen X, Li D, Cao Y, Gao J, Jin H*, Shan H*, Early Therapeutic Vaccination Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Imaging OX40 Mediated Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes. Mole Pharm, 2019,16(10):4252-4259, PMID: 31454248

5. Li Yijie, Zeng Q, Wu M, Guo Z and Jin H*, Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Transarterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, J Mol Genet Med, 2019, 13(1):406-413

6. Li Yijie, Wu M, Zhu W, Huang L, Zeng Q and Jin H*, Are prophylactic antibiotics necessary prior to thyroid and parathyroid surgery for the prevention of surgical site infection? A systematic review and meta-analysis,Am J Trans Med, 2018. 2:86-95

7. Liu H, Jin H, Han J, Yue X, Yang H, Zayed MA, Gropler RJ, Tu Z. Upregulated sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 expression in human and murine atherosclerotic plaques. Mol Imaging Biol, 2018, 20(3):448-456. PMID: 29134505

8. Liu H, Jin H, Luo Z, Yue X, Zhang X, Flores HP, Su Y, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. In vivo characterization of two 18F-labeled PDE10A PET radioligands in nonhuman primate brains. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2018,9(5):1066-1073. PMID: 29400443

9. Jin H, Han J, Resing D, Liu H, Yue X, Miller RL, Schoch KM, Miller TM, Perlmutter JS, Egan TM, Tu Z. Synthesis and in vitro characterization of a P2X7 radioligand [123I]TZ6019 and its response to neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Eur J Pharmacol, 2018, 820:8-17. PMID: 29225193

10. Jin H, Yue X, Liu H, Han J, Flores HP, Su Y, Parsons SM, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. Kinetic modeling of [18F]VAT, a novel radioligand for positron emission tomography imaging vesicular acetylcholine transporter in non-human primate brain. J Neurochem, 2018,144(6):791-804. PMID: 29315563

11. Liu H, Jin H, Yue X, Han J, Baum P, Abendschein DR, Tu Z. PET study of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 expression in response to vascular inflammation in a rat model of carotid injury, Mol Imaging, 2017 (16): 1-7, PMID: 28654378

12. Jin H, Yang H, Liu H, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Rosenberg A, Liu Y, Lapi S, Tu Z. A Promising carbon-11 labeled sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor specific PET tracer for imaging vascular injury, J Nucl Cardiol,2017, 24(2):558-570 PMID:26843200

13. Yue X, Jin H, Luo Z, Liu H, Zhang X, McSpaddenED, Tian L, Flores HP, Perlmutter JS, Parsons SM, Tu Z. Chiral resolution of serial potent and selective σ 1 ligands and biological evaluation of (?)-[18F] TZ3108 in rodent and the nonhuman primate brain, Bioorg Med Chem, 2017, 25(4): 1533-1542, PMID: 28129990

14. Jin H, Zhang X, Yue X, Liu H, Li J, Flores HP, Su Y, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. Kinetics modeling and occupancy studies of a novel C-11 PET tracer for VAChT in nonhuman primates, Nucl Med Biol, 2016, 43 (2): 131–139 PMID: 26872437

15. Liu H, Jin H, Yue X, Luo Z, Liu C, Rosenberg AJ, Tu Z. PET imaging study of S1PR1 expression in a rat model of multiple sclerosis. Mol Imaging Biol, 2016,18(5):724-32.

16. Li J, Zhang X, Jin H, Fan J, Flores HP, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. Synthesis of fluorine-containing phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) inhibitors and the in vivo evaluation of F-18 labeled PDE10A PET tracers in rodent and nonhuman primate, J Med Chem, 2015, 58(21):8584-600. PMID: 26430878

17. Yue X, Jin H, Liu H, Rosenburg AJ, Klein RS, Tu Z. A potent and selective C-11 labeled PET tracer for imaging sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 in the CNS demonstrates sexually dimorphic expression, Org Biomol Chem, 2015 13(29):7928-39 PMID: 26108234

18. Tu Z, Zhang X, Jin H, Yue X, Padakanti PK, Yu L, Liu H, Flores HP, Kaneshige K, Parsons SM, Perlmutter JS, Synthesis and biological characterization of a promising F-18 PET tracer for vesicular acetylcholine transporter, Bioorg Med Chem, 2015, 23(15):4699-709 PMID: 26138195

19. Liu H, Jin H, Li J, Zhang X, Kaneshige K, Parsons SM, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. In vitro and ex vivo characterization of (-)-TZ659 as a ligand for imaging the vesicular acetylcholine transporter, Eur J Pharmacol, 2015, 5;752:18-25,PMID: 25678250

20. Liu H, Jin H, Yue X, Zhang X, Yang H, Li J, Flores HP, Su Y, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. Preclinical evaluation of a promising C-11 labeled PET tracer for imaging phosphodiesterase10A in the brain of living subject, Neuroimage, 2015 (121): 253-262 PMID: 26216275

21. Jin H, Fan J, Zhang X, Li J, Flores HP, Su Y, Perlmutter JS, Tu Z. Radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of a novel selective PET ligand, MedChemComm, 2014, 5(11): 1669-1677, PMID:25584182

22. Jin H, Halstrand TS, Daly DS, Matzke MM, Nair P, Bigelow DJ, Pounds JG, Zangar RC. A halotyrosine antibody that detects increased protein modifications in asthma patients, J Immunol Methods, 2014, 403:17-25. PMID:24295867

23. Jin H, Xu M, Padakanti PK, Liu Y, Lapi S, Tu Z. Preclinical evaluation of the novel monoclonal antibody H6-11 for prostate cancer imaging, Mol Pharm, 2013, 10 (10): 3655-3664. PMID:23964702

24. Jin H*, Zhang Y, Buchko GW, Varnum SM, Robinson H, Squier TC, Long PE. Structure determination and functional analysis of a chromate reductase from gluconacetobacterhansenii. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(8): e42432. PMID:22879982

25. Jin H, Zangar RC. Invited review: High-throughput, multiplexed analysis of 3-nitrotyrosine in individual proteins, John Wiley & Sons Press Inc (ISBN: 9780471140856), Curr Protoc Toxicol, 2012,Chapter 17:Unit 17.15., PMID:22511115

26. Jin H*, Yu Y, Chrisler WB, Xiong Y, Hu D, Lei C. Delivery of microRNA-10b with polylysine nanoparticles for inhibition of breast cancer cell wound healing. Breast Cancer (Auckl), 2012;6:9-19. PMID: 22259248

27. Jin H, Web-Robertson BJ, Peterson ES, Tan R, Bigelow DJ, Scholand MB, Hoid JR, Pounds JG, Zangar RC. Smoking, COPD and 3-nitrotyrosine level of plasma proteins. Environ Health Perspect, 2011, 119(9):1314-20, PMID:21652289

28. Jin H, Ioannis K, Li P, LiWang PJ. Structure and functional studies of the potent anti-HIV chemokine variant P2-RANTES, Proteins, 2010, 78:295-308. PMID:19722264

29. Jin H, Shen X, Baggett BR, Kong X, Liwang PJ. The human CC chemokine MIP-1b dimer is not competent to bind the CCR5 receptor. J Biol Chem, 2007, 282 (38): 27976-27983, PMID:17644519

30. Jin H, Hayes GL, Darbha NS, Meyer E, LiWang PJ. Investigation of CC and CXC chemokine quaternary state mutants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005, 38(2): 987-99,PMID:16256937

31. Liu S, Jin H, Zacarias A, Srivastava S, Bhatnagar A. Binding of pyridine coenzyme nucleotides to the voltage-sensitive potassium (K+) channel-subunit, J Biol Chem, 2001, 276 (15): 11812- 20. PMID:11278398


1. 珠海市“英才計劃”評選,2020年11月獲得高層次人才支持計劃 “二類人才” 獎

2. 美國心臟核醫學會 (ASNC), 2018年度最佳基礎科學研究獎

3. 美國核醫學與分子影像學會 (SNMMI) , 2017年度Berson-Yalow獎
